Admer's personal website
Foxes are cool
Hello and welcome!
I'm Admer, a tinkerer from the hot, dry rocks of Herzegovina.
This is my little corner on the Internet. Make yourself at home!
Here you can see some of my projects: engines, games, tools, educational efforts, all kinds of things. I got a bit of a blog too.
This website is still quite fresh, so there's not a whole lot of content here. I've been meaning to build a pretty personal website for a while now, so it should get populated with stuff soon enough.
Empty space. :3 (also foxes are cool)
You can reach out to me via Discord or wherever, really.
Links to my social media are at the bottom of this page.

Excuse me while I find a decent selfie.
Gamedev projects

Half-Life SDK Programming
A programming series for Half-Life modding!

GoldSRC Mapping
A level design tutorial series for GoldSRC!
Features J.A.C.K. and TrenchBroom.

Guides on The Whole Half-Life
I occasionally maintain the Wiki pages here. From Half-Life SDK documentation to mapping tutorials and explanatory articles. It's important to keep the fire burning.

Tutorials on GameBanana
This is where it all started back in 2015. I wrote my first tutorials here! You may find all kinds of Half-Life and Far Cry 1 stuff in here.
Half-Life mod tools

gltf2mdl (WiP)
A tool that streamlines the Half-Life model importing process. Simply drag'n'drop your glTF 2.0 model and it'll spit out a Half-Life MDL file.

TrenchBroom-Adm (WiP)
A fork of TrenchBroom with features to aid Half-Life level design, but also my own projects. Plenty features here won't end up in main TrenchBroom. Though, it's still possible!
Also worked on...

Amygdala: Prelude
Australian survival horror FPS set in the 1990s. I was mainly active here between late 2022 and late 2023, doing all kinds of gameplay and shader programming.

Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission
A mod that remasters Half-Life: Decay's delightful co-op campaign, and ports it to PC, as a proper singleplayer experience. I wrote its subtitle system! And a bunch of other stuff really.

Nail & Crescent
A reimagining of the original Quake running on the Quake 2 RTX engine. I did some engine programming here in 2021.

Half-Life: WAR
An unfortunately cancelled Half-Life mod which had a cool singleplayer campaign, and plenty of bombastic action. I did some gameplay programming as well as a bit of environment art.