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Porting Half-Life to C#, gltf2mdl progress, and other things

· 18 min read

I have a reason to believe this year marks the return of old me. I'll explain what that means soon.

I started porting Half-Life SDK over to C#, basically aiming to have all the game code there, and only the utmost minimal C++ boilerplate to let the engine launch the mod & then delegate all logic to a C# DLL. But first, some in-the-meantime stuff.

Off to a great start

· 3 min read

Happy New Year! Is it just me, or is the winter making me horribly sleepy non-stop? Or maybe I should just take small naps during the day.

So, Half-Life 2 turned 20

· 4 min read

Hello Internet! It's been a while for sure. Tonight I'm gonna briefly write about this website and some project-related stuff, and of course, HL2's 20th birthday.

Q3 2024, Elegy

· 5 min read

3rd of September, 2024

Very epic news! If we look back at April this year:

Congrats! A door that will never ever open. I did also think about triggering and stuff, I even went ahead to modify TrenchBroom a bit so I can have autocompletion for these triggerable events, e.g. mydoor.Open() can be a valid keyvalue. However I need to experiment more.

You'll notice I didn't exactly have triggering implemented. I only thought about it. Well GUESS WHAT.

Hybrid ECS: The Sequel

I have extended fennecs with my own stuff on top, in a separate library which I might as well release in its own NuGet package! Eventually.

Q3 2024, Miscellaneous

· 3 min read

21st of August, 2024

Alright, let's see what I wrote about last time...

Mental health.. mhm. Yeah, it's good now. I fixed my sleep schedule, too, I managed to wake up at 7:40 this morning and have proper pre-11:30 breakfast even. Back then it was a scramble to have brunch before 15:00, hah.

The VRChat + Virtual Desktop hack still works, annnd I've yet to actually automate it. Because of course, that's how it goes. My brother managed to complete Boneworks, Bonelab and Half-Life Alyx, all before me.

Q2 2024, Elegy

· 5 min read

15th of April, 2024

As of recently, the Elegy team has officially gotten a new member! A friend of mine, Amara, is gonna contribute to the tooling and stuff which is very epic.

The Great Discombobulation

A big change happened again. The engine subsystems have become separated from the engine. Now the engine is basically an application framework, and using code generation it automatically initialises and launches various engine subsystems.

This way tools will only use what they need from the engine, and won't pull unnecessary dependencies with them, reducing needed filesize and stuff.

Hybrid ECS

A couple weeks ago I experimented with a hybrid ECS that supports Source-style entity OOP... now I've thought up of a concept that might just make that obsolete. My idea for entity components was basically twofold: massive data processing and entity traits.

I experimented with the entity parsing a bit further, and was able to elegantly make it work using code generation. It's very powerful, I must say!

Q2 2024, Miscellaneous

· 4 min read

15th of April, 2024

Wew. I'm happy to say I've already reached a few goals I set for myself in January:

  • mental health good
  • started a HL mapping series
  • got a real good microphone & audio interface
    • and a guitar
  • started making videos in 1080p

Elegy is en route to becoming more and more usable, so that's cool.

Q1 2024, Elegy

· 4 min read

24th of January, 2024

A couple weeks ago I experimented with a hybrid ECS that supports Source-style entity OOP... now I've thought up of a concept that might just make that obsolete. My idea for entity components was basically twofold: massive data processing and entity traits.

Entity traits would "inject" functionality into entities, and honestly, I think this is just the way to go. FGD files would become entity archetype descriptions at that point:

@BaseClass = Door
Door.Angle(string) : "Open-close angle"

@SolidClass base( Door ) = func_door

@PointClass base( Door, Model ) = prop_door

Q1 2024, Miscellaneous

· 5 min read

8th of January, 2024

Sretna nova! (or srećna as our eastern neighbours would say it)

2023 was full of ups and downs and ups and downs, and I'm finally feeling a little more stable now. A short overview of what happened throughout the year:

  • January: started the Elegy Engine project, wrote some raymarching shaders
  • February: worked on a secret lil' GUI tool project
  • March: cemented the Elegy Engine project, played with Veldrid, ported Unreal-style water to Godot
  • April: got a job, started working on my college game project (in Unity ;w;)
  • May: got used to the job, started working on a commercial Source game on the side - Amygdala