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Q4 2023, Elegy

· 2 min read

23rd of October, 2023

The material system is now a thing. It can read Quake 3-style material definitions like these:

materialTemplate NoDraw
// TrenchBroom dies upon encountering quotation marks here, so do not use them
map materials/textures/tools/nodraw

// Stripped away
Nodraw 1
// Nodraw implies that lightmap will be 0, but yeah
Lightmap 0
// This one will probably need tweaking. If we ever end up
// using brushes for collision acceleration, this will have
// to be 1.
Collide 0

Q4 2023, Miscellaneous

· 3 min read

7th of October, 2023

Woo! We are in October now. The crunchy and stressful period is mostly over now, as I finished the deadline on job 2.

Also egh, I am getting tired of my chair. I bought it like 3-4 months ago, and it was extremely good at the time, but it has kind of lost a part of its volume and I am tired of not being able to adjust the back rest angle. Another thing I didn't account for is the fact it gets super warm after a couple hours.

Well, good thing is, I have standards now. I found a far far better chair for like 310€ and I'm really thinking about it, but TBH it might be better for me to wait for Christmas or something like that. We'll see.

Oh yeah, also, I recently bought this domain! If you are viewing from, which is highly unlikely, you should check out the new one now. Nothing is different, I just have my own sorta thing now.

Q3 2023, Elegy

· 3 min read

29th of July 2023

I’ve been having a lot more ideas for Elegy, regarding car destruction, lightmapped day-night cycles, and I figured out how I’d approach its UI system. Neat.

10th of August 2023

My schedule is finally clearing up and I will be able to work on Elegy again soon.

Q3 2023, Miscellaneous

· 5 min read

29th of July, 2023

Been busy with my jobs.

Half-Life software-style water has been shaderised:
Bacontsu is trying to get it into a HL mod, which is neat.

My hair is pretty long. I love it.

31st of July, 2023

It’s the end of the month and damn is it a good one. Yesterday, on the 30th, I made software water in HL OpenGL, again. This time, it’s way better and more proper. It’s a proof of concept still, and it needs to render water surfaces from the BSP. It’s currently rendering one big water plane, plus we need to work out texture scaling and parametrisation.

10th of August, 2023

Cousins left yesterday. It feels pretty weird without them, and there is an extra weird / half-depressing feeling when it’s the end of summer and school is about to start. I then realised, oh, I don’t quite have to suffer from that any more. It’s a little different for me now.

I completed most of HL SDK Programming 4.1. It is going rather splendidly.